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Recruiting more fellow travelers During the epidemic in February and March this year, I and a group of enthusiastic fellow travelers launched a parent-child game Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) service, recruiting nearly 200 kindergarten and primary school parents, who were divided into two groups. Twenty-one group provides six online CPRT group courses, the results are quite encouraging, both for children's emotional behavior and parents' nurturing and discipline methods, are very helpful.

We, a group of fellow travelers with play therapy training and experience, have a dream and a mission to promote parent-child games to every parent in Hong Kong. Because parent-child changes are very important to children's growth, we set up an organization-Parent-Child Game·Love Link, we hope to realize and continue this dream. In addition to raising funds, we also need more mentors. If you have
-     Social Work or Counseling Degree
-     Have received systematic Child-centered Play therapy training
-     With experience in play therapy, to ensure service quality and consistency of philosophy, we will conduct preliminary screening of all applications; those who have no experience in parent-child play must first assist in leading a full course before being assigned to lead a group independently. , and each course has 2 to 3 supervisions.

There is no fame or fortune here, only the enthusiasm and ambition to serve children and parents. If you are interested, you can join us and set off together.

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